User Experience Fundamentals | Part 2/2

Important questions to ask before designing

This question is what you have to ask yourself before you even start with the design so you can optimize the flow on your page.

  • What do they want from our Page/App/Program?
  • What do they want from us?
  • What do we want from them?
  • What do we want them to do?
  • How does that fit in with their goals?

If you are able to answer these questions you are ready to start designing because you should already know the next things. What to show first and why. The kind of language will be used and all that stuff.

Importance of knowing where you are

By this, I mean that your users should know where they are at any moment. Let’s say that I am looking at your webpage (landing page) and I click on something. I should be able to know where I am and how to come back if I ever want to.

If you’re able to make your users comfortable and in control, you did a great job which is awesome.

But if you make them feel confused by the order and design, they are going to move on and possibly never come back again which is not good. So make sure to keep relativity between pages.

Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

Interacting design

Your design has to have as a purpose to interact with your users. For example, there are many websites that have links that don’t look like a link.

If you want them to click on something it has to look clickable, if it doesn’t, it will be hard for them to figure that out.

Everything has to be meaningful and simple to understand, so show just enough information to guide your users but not too much information to overwhelm your audience.

Your website must have a responsive design to adjust optimize user experience no matter if they are on a phone, laptop, tablet, smart tv, etc.

Supplement words with images, graphics, videos if possible, and don’t forget the color, contrast, and typography.

I hope this was helpful for you, I’d love your read your thoughts in the comment section down below.