Studying AJAX and more | Kevin Skayro’s Journey 065
This week I’ve been working with AJAX and I will continue to do this until I get it to a good level, remember this is not a race is a journey, of course I would like to go faster but that means pay less attention to other things which would make my life unbalanced.
Playing with API’s | Kevin Skayro’s Journey 063
This week I got into the awesome API’s, I’ll be experimenting with this for a while to really get it.
Studding some JS libraries | Kevin Skayro’s Journey 061 & 062
I’ve been working with some libraries for 2 weeks, it was pretty interesting to see how they work and experiment with them, but I feel like I went out of my way just because these libraries caught my attention, to see which libraries I’m talking about watch video.
Ran 16 miles | Kevin Skayro’s Journey 060
In this week many things happened which the most impressive would be that I ran 16 miles when before that most that I’ve run was 10 miles…
Finished the app | Kevin Skayro’s Journey 058
Just finished the web app, now I’ll just finish the CSS to make it responsive in any device and use it for myself.