How to learn more in less time | Pomodoro technique

Photo by Andreas Klassen on Unsplash
Photo by Andreas Klassen on Unsplash

Are you struggling to get things done?, or in this case to learn?.

This is where the Pomodoro technique shines, this is a time management system that helps you to work with the time that you have. It breaks your work into 25 minutes chunks with a 5 minutes break in between and a long break after 4 Pomodoros.

To put this into practice you have to respect the Pomodoro, don’t get distracted. Do whatever you want but put all your focus on your task when using the Pomodoro technique. Once you get your break, know you can break that focus and go for a walk, drink water, etc.

Some of you may think that the breaks are pointless if you can continue working nonstop and achieve more. You may think, how working less can help me to do more. Well, let me tell you that your brain has a limit on how efficient it is. The longer the brain is under pressure the less efficient it is. So giving breaks to your brain will help with efficiency.

There is another benefit with these small breaks and this is that you can move and do some stretching exercises which means better blood circulation. And you all know that better blood circulation means more oxygen into your brain which translates in faster processing.

Even I’m using the Pomodoro technique right now while I’m writing this blog. I always use this technique whenever I want to do focused work. So give it a try, and to make things easier, this is the one that I use.